CS3700 Introduction to Database Systems S
CS4804 Convex Optimizations A
EE3505 Introduction to Information and Coding Theory S
CS4802 Design and Analysis of Algorithms A
CS3200 Computer Networks A
CS3710 Database Systems Lab A
CS3215 Computer Networks Lab S
CS4803 Model Checking S
CS3510 Operating Systems Laboratory S
CS3100 Paradigms of Programming A
CS3500 Operating Systems A
CS3310 Language Translators Laboratory A
CS4011 Principles of Machine Learning B
CS3300 Language Translators B
CS2220 Languages, Machines and Computation A
CS2600 Computer Organization and Architecture A
CS2610 Computer Organization and Architecture Lab S
CS2880 Data Structures and Algorithms S
CS2880 Data Structures and Algorithms Lab S
HS1100 German II S
MA2040 Probability, Statistics and Stochastic Processes A
CS2100 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science A
EE2001 Digital Systems A
CS2110 Computer Programming Laboratory S
EE2702 Digital Circuits Laboratory S
EE1100 Basic Electrical Engineering S
BT1010 Life Sciences A
HS1090 Foreign Language : German 1 S
MA2010 Complex Variables A
AM1100 Engineering Mechanics S
CY1020 Chemistry 2 (Theoretical & Physical) B
MA1020 Mathematics-2 A
ME1100 Thermodynamics A
NS1010 National Service Scheme X
PH1020 Physics 2 A
CY1030 Chemistry Lab 1 S
GN1100 Life Skills P
WS1020 Workshop-2 A
CS1100 Computational Engineering S
CY1010 Chemistry 1 B
ID1100 Concepts in Engineering Design S
MA1010 Mathematics 1 S
ME1120 Engineering Drawing S
PH1010 Physics 1 S
PH1030 Physics Laboratory S
WS1010 Workshop 1 A

S 10 --
A 9 --
B 8 --
C 7 --
D 6 --
E 4 --
U 0 Fail
W 0 Mandatory repeat of the course due to insufficient attendance
I 0 Incomplete / withheld, to be resolved
X Completed Successfully
Y Incomplete
P 0 Completed successfully and credits not included in calculation of GPA/CGPA. Courses with category HPF, PPF, and PIL carry credit but are not assigned grade points and also are not included in calculation of CGPA